Showing posts with label Donna Sundblad. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Donna Sundblad. Show all posts

Saturday, July 17, 2021

Spiritual posture

In one article I wrote titled, "Improve Your Posture and Improve Your Health," one tip I offered on improving poor posture was to imagine a spotlight in your chest. This spotlight should shine forward, never down. If you had to depend on this light to see where you were going, it would be a constant reminder to stand up straight.

Light of Truth

When character's in my Christian fantasy novel, The Inheritance, accept Truth's gift, the light of Truth burns within their chest. They become light bearers. In our realm, those of us who have the light of Christ are to be like a city set on a hill. That means we can be seen from a distance.

Let your light shine

I thought about the importance of letting that light shine forward for all to see. It lights our way and is also noticeable to others. However, if we have poor spiritual posture, the light shines down; it may even be dim from the dirt and grime of this world. It still lights our path, if we look for the illumination, but it is no longer evident to others. God calls us to let our light shine in a way that others will see it and give him glory.

In the same way, let your light shine before men, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father in heaven (Matthew 5:16 HCSB).


How's your spiritual posture?


Written within the allegorical tradition of classics like Pilgrim's Progress, The Inheritance offers a literal but symbolic story for today's fantasy enthusiasts. This cleverly devised tale doesn't tell you what to think, but stimulates thought as to why you believe what you believe in your own quest for the Eternal City. The Inheritance is an ideal discussion starter for youth groups, homeschoolers, and families who enjoy meaningful discussions.

The Inheritance is available on Kindle, paperback on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Kobo (Christian fiction). When you read it, be sure to leave a review! Thanks for your support.


Monday, March 18, 2013

Perspectives: Want or Need?

I had a wonderful weekend. Not that it was all fun, as it included cleaning house and doing laundry, but I stop to realize how fortunate I am to have a house to clean and laundry to wash. When I lost my job, I had no idea what to expect. The one thing I knew was that God is faithful. That doesn't mean I get to keep all my creature comforts. It means he is what I really need.

I thought about the scene in The Inheritance when Heavenly Wisdom tells Jejune that all he needs will be provided and how often he tries to bend that to mean it will provide what he wants. Like when he picked the fruit and was told he wasn't to take it with him on his journey. Or when he meets Humility who is willing to share his last crust of bread and how Jejune feels when Lady Chary comes along eats it and then complains that it is stale. What did he do? ...well if I told you that, you wouldn't need to read the book.

"May the Lord be praised! Day after day He bears our burdens; God is our salvation. Selah" (Psalm 68:19 HCSB)

The Inheritance by Donna Sundblad

Sunday, March 10, 2013

Donna Sundblad's The Inheritance May Change Your Life

The characters in the book take on all the characteristics of Spiritual Warfare.  You will love it.  ~ Steele Magnolias review of The Inheritance by Donna Sundblad. 


I love when people "get it." The Inheritance is not a traditional Christian book in the view of some, but I have to wonder if the same was said in the past of other authors. I gave a copy of the book to an acquaintance  as a gift, and now we are friends. She turned back to the Lord after almost 50 years of backsliding. Consider giving The Inheritance as a gift. It's a great conversation starter. And please, after you read it, leave a review.

Friday, January 27, 2012

Donna Sundblad Interview with I.B. Nosey

Be sure to check out the latest interview with Donna Sundblad over at Ahoy! Gum Drop where I. B. Nosey grills Sundblad about her book The Inheritance! This is a fun one. Don't forget to leave a comment!

See interview here.

Monday, January 16, 2012

Book Signing Lighthouse Bookstore

Thanks to everyone who prayed and for those who turned out for the book signing at Lighthouse Christian Bookstore in Calhoun, GA. I met many friendly people and thank everyone who came out to support me and buy a copy of The Inheritance. Getting out from behind the computer and talking with people about my writing has breathed new life in my desire to finish my next novel, Soulless.

Thanks also to the Lighthouse Bookstore and Karen and Wayne for providing the opportunity to meet the public. Their hospitality was such a blessing!

For more insight into The Inheritance story, be sure to check out the interview at Christian Education Plus.

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

The Inheritance - Email Quote of the Day

I'd love to share this snippet from a fan email I received today. After reviewing The Inheritance,  and having positive things to say, this writer has returned for an interview, so I definitely consider her a fan. This snippet was buried within a thread as we talked about the upcoming interview. It made my day and am using it with her permission.
The Inheritance
 "I do believe it [The Inheritance by Donna Sundblad] has valuable potential especially after trying (as a Christian educator) to use Pilgrim's Progress as a teaching tool. Your book is more user-friendly for today's audience in my opinion than the classic." ~ Donna Cosmato

Sunday, December 25, 2011

Calhoun author Donna Sundblad nominated for Epic eBook Award - Calhoun Times

The Calhoun Times article about The Inheritance turned out great. It not only talks about the book, but also the upcoming book signing at the Lighthouse Christian bookstore! This morning I received an alert and found that it is available online! You can read it here: Calhoun author Donna Sundblad nominated for Epic eBook Award

Read more:Calhoun Times - Calhoun author Donna Sundblad nominated for Epic eBook Award

What a nice Christmas gift! Merry Christmas to all my readers.

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Follow through God moment

I needed to write a letter of introduction for The Inheritance. The introvert in me let the task slide. Why? Because the next level meant contacting people. In my dreams of what I should do, I intended to talk with the owners of the local Christian bookstore to see if they would carry my book. I frequented the store as a customer but walking in the door to promote myself felt unnatural.

I'm a goal setter. It helps me stay anchored and to get done what needs to be done, even when I don't feel like it. This week my letter of introduction as a Christian fantasy author needed to be written. I let it go to the last day, Saturday. I pulled out my copy of How to Write Attention Grabbing Query and Cover Letters and spent a good amount of the morning crafting the first draft. Once I had the draft, editing and tweaking was the easy part. Actually contacting the bookstore would be another matter. The introvert in me is so much more comfortable behind the anonymity of the computer!

I prayed again, that the Lord would lead me in the way I was to go. I read over the completed letter once more. I just had to fix the second line of the address, when the phone rang. It was my daughter. She had been to the bookstore that morning and mentioned me, and The Inheritance, and my upcoming interview with the local paper. Long story short, they wanted to talk to me. The door was opened and the letter ready! It wasn't coincidental.

The journey

As a writer, I knew God wanted me to write this story of a young man who realizes nothing satisfies the hunger within him. Not his riches, not his accomplishments, or anything else. He heads out on a quest for Wisdom and meets two sisters. Earthly Wisdom and her sister Heavenly. They each give him a gift and he is on his way as he decides to head to the Eternal City, but every village, along the River of Tradition, offers a different way to gain citizenship there. They can't all be right! How can he find his way?

Even though I knew God wanted me to write this story, I thought it was just a matter of obedience. I didn't expect much other than finishing the book. 

I had a secular publisher accept the book and it actually was nominated for an award in the spiritual category back when Eppie e-book awards were around. It ranked in the top three out of hundreds. Oh, yes, I was excited, but even more so I was stunned. Then the owner of the publishing company died suddenly and unexpected. The doors to the company shuttered, and I had a book listed on as a finalist with a link to nowhere. 

Long story short, I scrambled in my own strength to try and pick up the pieces and I self-published. Talk about stepping outside of your comfort zone! 

I took a breath and prayed that God would enlighten the eyes of my heart based Ephesians 1:18. 

"I pray also that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened in order that you may know the hope to which he has called you, the riches of his glorious inheritance in the saints" (NIV).

My walk with him is not for awards of this earth.

Going to the Christian bookstore

I walked out the door armed with my letter of introduction and copies of the book. I returned home with my books on the shelves of The Lighthouse Christian Bookstore in Calhoun, Ga, and a tentative date for a book signing. For me it was another God moment. It reminded me, again, that God is in control, and he cares for me. As uncomfortable as I felt, I did what needed to be done and he paved the way to make it a little easier!

Today, The Inheritance has found a new home with Each Voice Publishing in Atlanta. 

 * * *

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Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Press Release for The Inheritance by Donna Sundblad

This morning I received an alert in my email box letting me know that someone out there posted something about Donna Sundblad. I checked it out and found a press release about the interview conducted by Lisa B. Binion


 Marketing and promotion is a big part of getting the word out about The Inheritance. It's so nice when someone else does the work for me! I want to thank Lisa and Fiction Writing at Bella on Line for the positive review and interview.

Thank you!

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Transformed Lives

It's amazing. If I asked you what people were searching for this Christmas on the Internet what would say? It would be nice if people were searching for Truth, or how to commit a random act of kindness, but one of the most popular topics is the Grinch. People are looking for photos of the Grinch, Grinch quotes, and other such things related to the story of How the Grinch Stole Christmas.

Granted How the Grinch Stole Christmas is a classic Christmas story in which good overcomes evil, and it is a story of transformation. I can understand the sentimentality. But I also think of the baby who came into the world  with lowly beginnings. He gave up being God to become man...for us. The shepherds searched for him. The three wise men searched for him. They found him, and it transformed their lives for real. Jesus came. He changed the world. His life and death still transforms the world today. If you search for him, you will find him.

"I believe that anyone would find The Inheritance a joy to read, no matter what your age or beliefs. This book mirrors the walk we have as Christians in a world filled with things that distract us from our Lord and Savior. Younger readers may not yet be able to grasp all of the symbolism that is intricately woven throughout Jejune's journey, but that will not take away from their enjoyment of the story." ~ Fiction Writing Review

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Lake Scene from The Inheritance

I came across this picture through a friend's post on Facebook. It looks much like the first lake Jejune visits when he enters the Valley of Shadow, in The Inheritance. For those who have read the book, what do you think? For those who haven't, here's a tiny excerpt.

Excerpt from The Inheritance by Donna Sundblad
The narrow trail wound along the wall of the valley toward the first plateau. It didn't take long to reach the deep azure waters of the lake. Tiny ripples gently lapped the gray pebbled shoreline. Wigglewot fluttered to the stony beach and stretched while Jejune walked to the edge of the lake and sniffed a handful of water. "It smells okay," he called over his shoulder. Wig waddled to the brink of the lake.

Jejune cupped water in his hand and took a sip. "Mmmmm, that's what I needed." He plunged the empty flask beneath the surface, and the soft pop of bubbles mingled with the peaceful sounds of nature. Late afternoon sun peeked from behind sooty low hanging clouds as he stuffed the cork into the flask. "Wig, you gather tinder, and I'll find the kindling." He glanced at the clouds overhead. "We need to build a fire."

This location plays an important role in the story. It is here that Jejune finds a treasure chest and what it holds..... Sorry, I can't say too much without spoiling the reading experience for others.

The Inheritance is available in print or for Kindle. It will be a great Christmas gift, hint, hint...wink, wink! Enjoy! To read what others have to say, visit my website and read the book reviews.

Monday, November 28, 2011

What Is an Allegory?

When I tell people The Inheritance is an allegory, many don't have a clue what that means. The definition found at is, "a representation of an abstract or spiritual meaning through concrete or material forms; figurative treatment of one subject under the guise of another."

The Inhertiance

In The Inheritance, names of characters and places all add a secondary level of meaning to the story. People can read and enjoy the book as a fantasy, without considering a deeper meaning, but readers have told me they enjoy the thought-provoking allegorical element.

When choosing the names in the book, I tried to find words that sounded more like a name. For instance, my main character Jejune, originally started out with the name "Bother" because he is bothered by an inner emptiness that leaves him restless and looking for something more. This nagging feeling bothers him. For me, the word "bother" just didn't work. After researching the possibilities, he became Jejune--lacking experience or knowledge. It was a perfect match!

 When you read The Inheritance, please do me a favor and leave a review. Just a sentence or two can work. I appreciate it.