Sunday, July 18, 2021

Am I good enough for heaven?

As I read Psalm 8:9 this morning, I am reminded of the greatness of God. “When I consider your heavens, the work of your fingers, the moon and the stars, which you have set in place, what is mankind that you are mindful of them, human beings that you care for them?” That is a good question for us to ask ourselves.

Often we think more of ourselves than we should. It’s not unusual for people to think that we are “good” or can do “good” deeds that will make us good enough to go to heaven. However, that is not the case. Jesus said, “No one is good—except God alone” (Mark 10:18).

Lesson from The Inheritance

This is one of the lessons Jejune, the main character in The Inheritance, learns as he journey’s into the Valley of Shadow in search of wisdom. On that journey, he learns many things as he visits villages founded along the river Tradition. When he visits the Village of Goodeeds, with its roads paved with good intentions, he gets caught up in earning notches for his walking stick and even earns the Cape of Accomplishment fashioned by Pride himself. He believes all he has to do is show the walking stick at the gates of the Eternal City, and he’ll be able to walk right in. But later, when he meets Humility, he is told that, "No one enters the Eternal City unless they know how to get there. Unfortunately, many people think they are citizens merely because they believe the Eternal City exists. Others think they gain admittance by the number of rings on their sleeves, notches on their walking sticks, or following a list of rules."

 We can’t earn our way to heaven

We can’t earn our way. That’s the bottom line. We can never be good enough to do that. That’s why Christ came. “God made him who had no sin to be sin for us, so that in Him we might become the righteousness of God (2 Cor. 5:21). He took our place on the cross—our punishment. What we deserve. Why? Because he loves us. This is the same reason he offers us the gift of salvation. That’s an amazing love!

How to get to heaven

When we agree with Him that we are sinners, never good enough to get into Heaven on our own merit, and accept that gift, we are cleansed and receive access to heaven as a child of God. “For we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do” (Ephesians 2:4-10) So once we are his child, then we are to walk in the good works he has prepared for us. Not to earn our way, but because we love him back.



Written within the allegorical tradition of classics like Pilgrim's Progress, The Inheritance offers a literal but symbolic story for today's fantasy enthusiasts. This cleverly devised tale doesn't tell you what to think, but stimulates thought as to why you believe what you believe in your own quest for the Eternal City. The Inheritance is an ideal discussion starter for youth groups, homeschoolers, and families who enjoy meaningful discussions.

The Inheritance is available on Kindle, paperback on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Kobo (Christian fiction). When you read it, be sure to leave a review! Thanks for your support.

Saturday, July 17, 2021

Spiritual posture

In one article I wrote titled, "Improve Your Posture and Improve Your Health," one tip I offered on improving poor posture was to imagine a spotlight in your chest. This spotlight should shine forward, never down. If you had to depend on this light to see where you were going, it would be a constant reminder to stand up straight.

Light of Truth

When character's in my Christian fantasy novel, The Inheritance, accept Truth's gift, the light of Truth burns within their chest. They become light bearers. In our realm, those of us who have the light of Christ are to be like a city set on a hill. That means we can be seen from a distance.

Let your light shine

I thought about the importance of letting that light shine forward for all to see. It lights our way and is also noticeable to others. However, if we have poor spiritual posture, the light shines down; it may even be dim from the dirt and grime of this world. It still lights our path, if we look for the illumination, but it is no longer evident to others. God calls us to let our light shine in a way that others will see it and give him glory.

In the same way, let your light shine before men, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father in heaven (Matthew 5:16 HCSB).


How's your spiritual posture?


Written within the allegorical tradition of classics like Pilgrim's Progress, The Inheritance offers a literal but symbolic story for today's fantasy enthusiasts. This cleverly devised tale doesn't tell you what to think, but stimulates thought as to why you believe what you believe in your own quest for the Eternal City. The Inheritance is an ideal discussion starter for youth groups, homeschoolers, and families who enjoy meaningful discussions.

The Inheritance is available on Kindle, paperback on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Kobo (Christian fiction). When you read it, be sure to leave a review! Thanks for your support.