Showing posts with label Hindsfeetonhighplaces. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Hindsfeetonhighplaces. Show all posts

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Journey of The Inheritance by Donna Sundblad

My latest novel, The Inheritance, is now out in print and kindle and as the author I celebrate my latest release with this new blog. You may think I'm going to tell you all about the story in this first post, but instead I want to tell you about the book's journey and some of the people who played a part in making it possible.

The Inheritance

At the writing of this post, I had started writing The Inheritance eight years ago when I still worked a nine-to-five job. The book is a fantasy, but written in the allegorical fashion of christian classics like Pilgrim's Progress and Hinds' Feet On High Places. I knew not everyone likes to read fantasy, not everyone likes to read allegories, and not everyone wants to read a book that makes them think about what they believe or why they believe it. But I wrote it because I knew I had to. I wrote it not knowing if it would ever be published. One goal was not to make it a religious book, but a story everyone can enjoy, one that entertains but makes them think.

My publisher did not accept "religious" books, but six years after finishing the book, the acquisitions editor, Joan McNulty-Pulver, brought the book up. "I don't think it's religious," she said. And the book was accepted.

As it went through the editing process, Joan's health deteriorated. I thought the book would be out for Christmas 2010, but progress slowed. Joan passed away in March. The book was edited but stuck in layout. Margaret Carr, the editor-in-chief, made slow progress. She had the book ready to submit to the Epic for Authors eBook competition on the last day of May 2011.

Margaret passed away unexpectedly at the end of July, and with her death my publisher of seven years closed their doors. The Inheritance was ready to be published in print, but now I didn't have a publisher. Then in August I lost my job as a staff writer. I prayed for what to do.

In September finalists for the 2012 Epic eBook awards were posted and there it was! The Inheritance finaled in the Spiritual/Metaphysical category! That spurred me to move forward with the book!
Update: The book is now available through Next Chapter Publishing.