This past Sunday we enjoyed a wonderful time of fellowship that included a large number of young people. By young, I mean teens and pre-teens. One by one, most of them took the opportunity to share from Scripture or song, and one of the guys by the name of Joshua did both. First he sang the old praise chorus made popular by Amy Grant. Thy Word. While he would never make it on American Idol, he didn't let that stop him from praising God and sharing from the heart. I thought about how we are to let our light shine in such a way as to give glory to our Father in heaven, and that's what Joshua was doing. I was blessed. He was being a light bearer even though he tends to be shy. It made me think of Jejune in The Inheritance, and how the light of Truth made a difference it his life.
Hearing that tune again created one of those good brain worms, too. The song stuck with me for days. It reminded me that it is God's Word that is to light my way and now here I am sharing it with you. See what a difference a little spark can make?
Your word is a lamp for my feet and a light on my path. -- Psalm 119:105.